Social Management

Social Management:

The ability to establish healthy, diverse relationships through effective communication, collaboration, and consideration; to make wise choices about social interactions based on core ethical and moral values; to translate social decision into effective behavior; and to actively participate in global citizenship and stewardship. 

1. Demonstrate the ability to develop and maintain positive, healthy, diverse relationships, including the ability to:
  • Communicate effectively. 
  • Collaborate and lead effectively.
  • Demonstrate positive consideration of and interactions with diverse populations.
  • Maintain positive relationships through prosocial behaviors (eg. kindness, compassion, gratitude, selflessness, service, etc.)
  • Prevent, manage, and resolve interpersonal conflicts in constructive ways.
  • Feel and demonstrate empathy.
  • Uphold personal social boundaries.
  • Give and receive compliments and constructive criticism in a genuine manner.
  • Demonstrate good sportsmanship, such as graciousness in winning and losing and in being a good spectator.
  • Negotiate fairly.
2. Demonstrate the ability to make social decisions based on core ethical and performance values, including: 
  • Magnanimity/Generosity
  • Justice/Fairness
  • Self-Control/Temperance
  • Prudence
  • Courage
  • Persistence
  • Wisdom
  • Magnificence/Nobility
  • Liberty
  • Love/Care
  • Hope
  • Humility
  • Respect
  • Mercy/Forgiveness
  • Loyalty
  • Integrity/Honesty
  • Responsibility
  • Gratitude
  • Curiosity
  • Creativity
  • Transcendence/Spirituality
  • Citizenship/Teamwork1
     Ethical vs. Performance Values: 
     Ethical Character: honesty, caring, respect, etc.--or how people interact ethically
     Performance Character: perseverance, creativity, responsibility, etc.--or how people accomplish their personal goals.2

3.  Demonstrate the ability to translate social decision into effective behavior, including:
  • Positively responding to the ethical, affective, or social-justice dimensions of a situation.
  • Making social adjustments in real-time based on perceiving how a situation is unfolding
  • The desire to positively affect the social situation/environment/life of others.
  • Noticing social needs on a personal and expanded basis and creating and carrying through solutions to those needs.
  • Eliminating social barriers.
  • Using a variety of social media constructively.
4. Demonstrate the ability to actively participate in global citizenship and stewardship, including:
  • Demonstrating an understanding of and participation in global stewardship.
  • Participating in local, national, and global citizenship
  • Identifying responsibilities of citizenship (i.e. obeying laws, serving on juries, being informed about issues, being involved in influencing public policy, etc.).
  • Explaining how one’s decisions and behaviors affect the well being of one’s peers, family, school, and community.
  • Describing how various organizations contribute to the well-being of a community.
1 Brown, Phillip M. and Wangaard, David B. (2017). Identifying Core Ethical Values to Build Your School of Character. Retrieved from
2 Brown, Phillip M. and Wangaard, David B. (2017). Identifying Core Ethical Values to Build Your School of Character. Retrieved from

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