Responsible Problem Solving and Decision Making

Responsible Problem Solving and Decision Making:

The ability to systematically determine the best solution for a problem or need by identifying and clarifying the issue, evaluating potential solutions, choosing the best alternative, implementing the solution, and improving the process.

1. Students will be able to apply the Responsible Problem Solving and Decision Making Process set forth here both in their personal lives and in the world around them:

Responsible Problem Solving and Decision Making Process 

1. Identify the Problem/Need
     a. What is the problem/need?
  • Produce a clear statement of the identified problem/opportunity.
2. Clarify the Problem/Need
     a. What do we know about the problem/need?
     b. What do we not know?
     c. Who, what, when, where, why, how?
      d. What is the root cause of the problem/need?  (In other words, what is the TRUE problem?)  (Keep asking why until the true cause is found.)
  • Analyze collected data and provide a clear statement of the root causes of a problem or the benefits of an opportunity
3. Collect and Evaluate Solutions
     a. What are the possible solutions?
  • Produce a list of all potential solutions to the problem/need.
4. Evaluate the Solutions
     a. Which solutions would solve the problem/need?
     b. Establish decision criteria, including personal, social, environmental, legal, economical, and ethical criteria
     c. Make basic comparisons
     d. Analyze data
     e. Redefine decision criteria
     f. Rework and reprocess solutions
     g. Make careful comparisons
     h. Weigh the evidence

5. Determine the Best Solution.
a. Of all the possible solutions, which is best?
  • Select the best solution to fit the problem/opportunity
6. Implement the Solution
     a. How do we put this solution into action?
  • Implement the solution
7. Test and Evaluate the Solution
     a. Did we solve the problem?
     b. How can the solution be improved?
  • Test the solution
8. Adopt and Standardize the Solution
     a. How do we standardize this solution for the future?
     b. How can we establish a process for continuous improvement of this solution?
     c. Adopt the solution
  • Establish a process for continuous improvement
With thanks to Jeffrey K. Liker: The Toyota Way for some ideas behind the creation of this process.Bullet points in this section accredited to:

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